ONgoing Wrap Up Report : The SUMUP of all the great experiences.. :D :)

This post shall add as the final report summarizing the intern duration into a nutshell. The entire period from the very start has been a real boost for me for enhancing my skills  and expanding my knowledge. So, I would like to add more in a layman format about the experience throughout the internship period. Not to state throughout the duration it was a fixed cycle of questioning, exploring its answers, phases of confusion and finally a resurrection from the same, but it was all worth the experience I have gained. I am really grateful support to my mentors for their apprehensive support and guidance.

Project Objective: Getting into the technicalities of my project, I had basically two work divisions.

As proposed  have updated the documentation part and is focusing on the hard-core code implementation. For the code implementation, the sub-tasks and dependencies are summarized here.  The link to the present status review sheet is here.

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